SIG Sri Lanka

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Name of your School: SIG Sri Lanka
Is your School a global, regional or national initiative? national
Who is the convenor/s of your School? Maheeshwara Kirindigoda
Is your School targeting one specific stakeholder group (i.e. do you focus on young people)? SIG Sri Lanka focuses on sharing knowledge, ideals, best practices, theories, etc to Sri Lankan
Region or country your School is based: Sri Lanka
Year of foundation: 2016
Frequency of your School: on demand
Duration of your School: 3 days
Is your school associated with or co-located with any other event or process? IGF Sri Lanka
What is the funding model of your SIG? Not for profit
Please provide the link to the website of your school:
Anything else you would like to tell us about your school? To bring citizens, organizations, officials, policymakers, technicians and others from various stakeholder groups together and educate make aware on core principles of Internet governance and engage them in on public policy issues relating to the Internet