Register your School on Internet Governance (SIG) Mandatory fields are marked by *. Name of your School*: Is your School a global, regional or national initiative? —Please choose an option—globalregionalnational Who is the convenor/s of your School? Is your School targeting one specific stakeholder group (i.e. do you focus on young people)? Region or country your School is based*: Year of foundation: Frequency of your School: —Please choose an option—annuallybiannuallymore frequentlyon demand Duration of your School: Besides Internet Governance do you focus on another sub topic? Is your school associated with or co-located with any other event or process? What is the funding model of your SIG? —Please choose an option—For profitNot for profitSponsorships Please provide the link to the website of your school*: To mark at the map either the head quarter of the organizing body of your School on Internet Governance or the location of your next school – as some schools are held on different places every time – please provide us with the details of the location that is best fitting for this purpose. Please keep in mind to get us informed, if the location is changing for the next edition of your school or the location at the map should become different for some reason. As the service is based on a Google map we need the following information to make it work: Location Title: Street and No.: Postal Code: City: Country: State: If present, Latitude: If present, Longitude: Anything else you would like to tell us about your school? your input length: 0 You agree, that the data submitted in this form will be used in accordance to our Privacy Policy for the purpose of displaying you school on a map and setting up a public database*. Email to contact you* (will not be published) Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.