Summer School on Internet Goveranance and International Law (SSIGIL)
Name of your School: | Summer School on Internet Goveranance and International Law (SSIGIL) |
Is your School a global, regional or national initiative? | global |
Who is the convenor/s of your School? | Joanna Kulesza |
Is your School targeting one specific stakeholder group (i.e. do you focus on young people)? | yes: international law researchers and practitioners, e.g. from governmental agencies and civil society organisations |
Region or country your School is based: | Poland |
Year of foundation: | 2021 |
Frequency of your School: | annually |
Duration of your School: | 5 days |
Besides Internet Governance do you focus on another sub topic? | yes, international law |
Is your school associated with or co-located with any other event or process? | it's inaugural edition is part of an ISOC Foundation project |
What is the funding model of your SIG? | Sponsorships |
Please provide the link to the website of your school: | |
Anything else you would like to tell us about your school? | The Trusted Internet Summer School on Internet Governance and International Law (SSIGIL) is an initiative focused on fostering interdisciplinary dialogue at the intersection of internet governance and international law. Hosted by the University of Lodz's Faculty of Law and Administration the event brings together fellows and instructors.
Participants explore issues such as digital sovereignty, cybersecurity, human rights, and sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the context of satellite internet technologies. Led by experts from academia, civil society, and governmental institutions, the program covers research methodologies, policy frameworks, and emerging challenges in the global internet landscape. Through lectures, workshops, and hands-on activities, attendees will gain insights into topics including norms and principles in cyberspace, critical internet infrastructure protection, data governance frameworks, and strategies for bridging the digital divide. The Trusted Internet Summer School offers a unique opportunity for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to deepen their understanding and contribute to advancements in internet governance and international law. |