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Schools on Internet Governance (SIG)

This is the wiki of the IGF Dynamic Coalition Schools on Internet Governance. The mission of the DC is to bring together the different schools to better understand how best to offers instruction. While each school develops its own model and curriculum, each school, especially new efforts, can learn from the other schools. The purpose of the wiki is for schools to share their materials, and for schools to learn from the work that has been done by other schools.

Any school that wishes to share its materials is welcome to contribute. To do so please request an account and share your plans with the wiki maintainer via

The main web site for the DC SIG can be found at:

List of Schools that submitted information to the DC SIG

as of February 2024

Name of School Year of foundation
African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 2013
ARGENSIG – Argentina School on Internet Governance 2017
Armenian School of Internet Governance 2017
Asia-Pacific School on Internet Governance 2015
Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (bdSIG) 2017
Benin Internet Governance School 2018
Botswana School on Internet Governance 2023
Brazilian School on Internet Governance 2014
Central Africa School of Internet Governance 2019
Chadian School on Internet Governance (TdSIG) 2020
Cote d'Ivoire Internet Governance School 2018
Ecole sur la gouvernance de l'Internet en RDC (CdSIG) 2021
European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) 2007
Ghana School on Internet Governance 2019
India School on Internet Governance 2016
International Policymakers Academy on Digital and Internet Governance 2023
Internet Governance Institute 2018
Kenya School of Internet Governance 2016
Lanka School on Internet Governance (LKSIG) 2022
Liberia School of Internet Governance 2020
Malian School on Internet Governance (MaliSIG) 2020
Mano River Union School on Internet Governance (MRUSIG) 2023
Mauritius School on Internet Governance 2021
Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance (MEAC-SIG) 2014
Nigerian School on Internet Governance 2019
North African School on Internet Governance (NASIG) 2019
North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG) 2018
Pakistan School on Internet Governance 2015
Russian Summer School on Internet Governance (RSSIG) 2020
School on Internet Governance Japan 2023
SIG Sri Lanka 2016
South School on Internet Governance 2009
Southern Africa Regional Youth School on Internet Governance (SARYSIG) 2022
Summer School on Internet Goveranance and International Law (SSIGIL) 2021
Taiwan School on Internet Governance 2020
Togo School of Internet Governance Forum (TogoSIG) 2021
Virtual School of Internet Governance (VSIG) 2020
West Africa School of Internet Governance 2018
Winter School in Internet Governance, Digital Policies and Innovation 2019
Women in Internet Governance (WIG) 2024
World Journalists School of Internet Governance 2022
Zambia School of Internet Governance 2022
Zimbabwe School of Internet Governance 2019

Current work in progress

In 2019 the DC worked on its first task a taxonomy for describing Schools on Internet Governance (SIG). This document is trying to capture the variety that exists among the existing programs and the features of the various types of schools. This work continues in 2020, with an attempt to fill in gaps that still exist in the document plus reviewing its structure to see what can be improved. The DC is also starting to work on an Operations Guide for SIGs

Both Taxonomy of Schools on Internet Governance and the Operations Guide are open for comment.

The DC holds Periodic Meetings throughout the year.

An IGF 2019 yearly report is available.

A session report for the 2019 DC SIG Meeting held in Berlin is available.

An 2020 yearly report is available.

A session report for the 2020 DC SIG Meeting at IGF held virtualy is available.

Materials provided by schools participating in DC SIG

In this section, the materials provided to the DC SIG by various schools are listed by school name. Given that every school is different and that schools orient themselves to needs defined by their mission, these materials are not specifically endorsed by the DC SIG. The materials provide examples of how the contributing schools organize their school, their curriculum and their special programs. All schools are encouraged to submit materials they think may help in the cause of spreading the outreach and acceptance of SIGs.