Mailing list subscription and archive access

This is the main mailing list of Schools on Internet Governance (SIG) network. Sending via the list is only possible for subscribers.

Here is in short how to use:

More details with explanations can be found in the official documentation at

Access the mailing list archive

The mailing list archive is freely accessible. Also available if you are not member of the list. It is only working via email as all commands to our list have to be send this way.
Here is how to use it:
Receive overviews:

  • To receive an overview of subject and author name for the last 100-200 messages send an email to No more than 2000 entries are returned per request.
  • To receive an overview of subject and author for a rage of messages (e.g. 311-334) send an email to

Get messages:

  • To get the latest 30 messages from the archive send an email to
  • To get a certain message (e.g. 281) from the archive send an email to If you specify a number that is larger than the highest message number in the archive, you’ll receive the latest message.
  • To get (e. g.) messages 229-236 from the archive send an email to No more than 100 messages can be returned per request. If the first argument is larger than the highest message number in the archive, you’ll instead receive the latest 30 or so messages from the archive.
  • To receive an ordered set of all messages that have the same subject as (e. g.) message 281 send an email to β€˜Re:’, etc, do not make a difference, so the return is usually the entire thread.